What is P.P.E?


You’ve heard the term PPE, but really what does it all mean and how vast is the landscape? PPE manufacturers and distributors are a designated part of the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. PPE includes the crucial gear and equipment needed to conduct a range of operations and services to keep workers safe across a wide variety of industries and applications. Learn more directly from Stesa Safety.

Meet the Duo Team!

Steven & Sarah are the dynamic team behind STESA SAFETY! With extensive knowledge and over 25 years in safety, we are able to ensure our customers satisfaction as we have a hands on approach with our personal touch as you are not just another customer.

Why SteSa Safety?

SteSa Hygiene & Safety Supplies (Pty) Ltd believes our customers are always entitled to having the knowledge and gain perspective of ensuring your PPE is fit-for-use for your application, which we are able to provide. We believe giving the odd sample is testament to our word of ensuring the correct PPE is used to get the maximum protection, affordable and long lasting in the long run.

All SteSa products are sourced from leading suppliers ensuring the best possible quality and technical standards.
With extensive knowledge in the various fields of Personal Protective Equipment, we are always a call away for advice or guidance on a product.
New and innovative products are continually being added to our range and our quality is assessed on an ongoing basis. This then ensures that we supply the best possible specialist services to meet the ever-changing needs of the PPE market.

Excellent customer service is the number one job in any company. It is the personality and motto of the company and the reason customers come back. Without customers, there is no company. SteSa Safety endeavours to provide exceptional customer service from quote to delivery.

We are a call away!

Stesa Safety is proud to support

South African based leading manufacturers of workwear and overalls with over 20 years of experience in the industry, they constantly endeavour and pursue their original company motto of “Quality and Service”

SteSa Safety

Proud supporter to NPO organizations

More safety, more efficiency

Safety is increasingly more important in corporate dynamics and is a factor that can increase efficiency. When, in a corporate operational environment, material handling vehicles, dangerous fixed machinery and workers operate in the same space, finding a solution that makes the worker feel safe whilst simultaneously making the company operate more efficiently becomes absolutely essential. Reducing accidents and collateral damage, thereby reducing work down-time, machinery stoppages and repairs, allows for more fluid and more efficient logistical flows.

Our contact info

We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with all your PPE needs.  

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